DAMA CDMP Specialist Data Integration & Interoperability

DAMA CDMP Specialist Data Integration & Interoperability Course and Exam

The one-day Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) Specialist Data Integration & Interoperability training course covers all aspects of Data Integration & Interoperability, including the business drivers, goals and principles, the essential concepts, activities to achieve a successful Data Integration & Interoperability solution, an overview of tools and techniques and guidelines for implementation.

The training also prepares you for the Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) Data Integration & Interoperability Specialist exam, which is required to reach the Practitioner and Master levels.

New: DAMA CDMP certification track with discount!

The Specialist training courses and certifications can also be combined with the 3-day Data Management Fundamentals training and certification via our unique DAMA CDMP certification track at an attractive discount. With a score of 70% and 80% respectively, you will reach the exclusive level of CDMP Practitioner or CDMP Master.

To do this, select the option Yes under ‘Do you want to combine this training with the DAMA CDMP Fundamentals training and/or 1 specialist training and exam?’ during registration and then select 1 Specialties and/or DAMA CDMP Data Management Fundamentals. We will contact you to finalise the training dates.


Connected Data Academy has been selected as a partner of DAMA Netherlands and facilitates individual CDMP certification as well as proctoring of classroom examinations.

1 day + proctored exam 

€995.00 excluding VAT
and including exam

Cost of 2nd Speciality:
€895.00 excluding VAT
including exam

Cost of DAMA CDMP certification track:
€3,995.00 excluding VAT

Includes 3-day Data Management Fundamentals and 2 1-day specialist training courses, including 3 exams.


Management & Governance

Training dates:
31 March 2025
30 June 2025

Proctored exam dates:
13 June 2025
11 July 2025


The training course goes into more depth on Data Integration & Interoperability according to DAMA Body of Knowledge (DMBoK) and teaches you how to develop policy and procedures that increase the appreciation of data and data management as a business resource.

Your results after following the training course:

  • You know how to name the business drivers, goals and principles, the essential concepts and activities
  • You know tools, techniques and guidelines for implementation
  • You are prepared for the CDMP Data Integration & Interoperability Specialist exam

Target group:
This training is available to anyone who holds a DAMA Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) Associate Certificate at Practitioner or Master level and wants to specialise in exercising authority, control and (shared) decision-making to manage data as an asset and increase the value of data assets.

The training covers all important aspects of planning, monitoring and maintaining data assets. The necessary knowledge is enriched with relevant and appealing (customer) cases from daily practice and also includes in-depth discussions about definitions, use and implementation of metadata.

During the training days, we will practise with interactive questionnaires to apply what we have learned directly. The questions are representative of the CDMP exam and are an excellent way to optimally prepare for the certification.

The training is provided by an experienced data management trainer.

Required prior knowledge:
CDMP Associate at Practitioner Level or Master Level

Course material:
The DAMA DMBoK book (Version 2 Revision) forms the basis of this training and serves as preparation for the exam.
The book is required for the course and must be brought by the student.

Knowledge transfer takes place through presentations, use cases, interactive questionnaires, individual exercises, group work and discussions. The necessary materials will be provided to the participants at the start of the training.


The training course covers all aspects of the Specialist Knowledge Area based on the DAMA DMBoK book and is supplemented with various short workshops, assignments and discussions to optimally prepare you for the exam.

1. Introduction

1.1 Business

1.2 Goals and principles

1.3 Essential concepts

2. Data integration activities

2.1 Planning and analysing

2.2 Design data integration solutions

2.3 Develop data integration solutions

2.4 Implement and monitor

3. Tools

3.1 Data transformation tool/ETL

3.2 Data virtualisation server

3.3 Enterprise Service Bus

3.4 Business rules engine

3.5 Data and process modelling tools

3.6. Data profiling tool

3.7 Metadata repository

4. Techniques

5. Implementation guidelines

5.1 Readiness assessment / Risk assessment

5.2 Organisation and cultural change

6. DII board

6.1 Data sharing agreements

6.2 DII and data line

6.3 Data integration metrics

7. Summary

7.1 The road to the exam

7.2 Tips and tricks



The training is carried out by our experienced Connected Data Academy trainers, all certified, who, in addition to the theoretical basis, have earned their spurs in the data advisory practice and are involved on a daily basis in numerous data (management) projects.

Exam & Certification

After completing the training, we will register you for the certifying Specialist exam from DAMA International.

The open-book Specialist exam is developed by DAMA International. The exam tests your knowledge of the latest version of the Data Management Body of Knowledge (DAMA-DMBoK V2 Revision).

You must complete the exam, which consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, within 90 minutes. If English is not your native language, the exam time is extended by 20 minutes.

Specialist Badges & Certificates
If you achieve a score of more than 70%, you can qualify for CDMP Practitioner status. Practitioners have 2-10 years of industry experience and have also passed 2 specialist exams with a score of at least 70%.

To become a CDMP Master, you need a score of at least 80% for both the Data Management Fundamentals exam and 2 Specialist exams. In addition, a minimum of 10 years of experience is required. This is assessed on the basis of a CV to be submitted to DAMA International.

Specialist exams

The following specialist exams are available:
Data Modelling & Design
– Metadata
– Data Quality
– Data Governance
– Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence
– Reference & Master Data Management
– Data Integration & Interoperability

The following specialisation is in preparation:
– Data Architecture

Re-take exam free of charge 
If the result is less then 70% a re-take exam can be requested free of charge. A minimum period of 48 hours is required between a first attempt and a re-take exam.

A re-take exam to obtain a score higher than 70% costs 250 euros (excl. VAT) and can be scheduled almost immediately in consultation. 

DAMA International provides the exams and keeps track of the status of certified professionals. The certification is valid for 3 years.

*DAMA-DMBoK V2 Revision book
Together with the training, the DAMA-DMBoK V2 Revision book forms the basis for preparing for the Specialist exam. Students need to bring the book with them.


Registration Form Integration & Interoperability

Would you like to combine this training with the DAMA CDMP Fundamentals training and/or 1 specialist training and exam?

Which training and exam do you want to combine with this Specialty?

We will contact you to set a date for the relevant specialist training courses.



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Cancellation by Connected Data Group: Connected Data Group will make every effort to ensure that training courses take place, but reserves the right to cancel training courses at any time. Connected Data Group is not responsible for costs incurred by the client as a result of the postponement or cancellation of the training course. If a training course is cancelled by Connected Data Group, the client will be offered the option of transferring the booking to another training course or having the course fee already paid returned.

Cancellation by the client: Cancellation is possible up to 5 working days before the start of the training course, after which the full registration fee is due. No costs will be charged for cancellations up to 20 working days prior to the start of the course. In all other cases, 50% of the registration fee will be charged. Cancellations must always be made in writing. After signing, the student has a 7-day reflection period and can cancel free of charge if the training has not been taken during this period.

Settlement and invoicing: Unless otherwise agreed and stated as a payment condition, invoicing of the total amount for the training will take place after booking. Payment of the full invoice amount must be made no later than 15 working days before the start of the training. Connected Data Group reserves the right to refuse participation in the training if the invoice is not paid on time. By sending this form, you are ordering the relevant training course. A reflection period of fourteen days applies

For the other conditions, Connected Data Group applies the general conditions of FENIT (Filed at the Registry of the District Court in The Hague on 3 June 2003 under number 60/2003)

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Connected Data Academy | www.connecteddataacademy.com


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