Certified Business Concept Maven (CBCM) incl. ELM Certification


Leer over business-perspectieven en Ensemble Logical Modelling (ELM) inclusief overzicht, proces en de zes artefacten!

Het in kaart brengen van de organisatie; dat is het doel van Ensemble Logical Modeling.

Met alle gegevens en informatie verspreid in verschillende bronnen en op verschillende platforms binnen organisaties is een grondig begrip van welke gegevens beschikbaar zijn, welke gegevens belangrijk zijn, wat we daarmee bedoelen en hoe dit met elkaar in verband staat steeds belangrijker. Hierbij maakt het niet uit of de gegevens worden opgeslagen in een Data Warehouse (fysiek of virtueel), op een Data Lake, op een Data Plane in een Data Mesh architectuur of in een andere omgeving.

Vanuit een gebruikersperspectief willen mensen hun Core Business Concepts zien en hoe dit met elkaar samenhangt. Tegelijkertijd moeten technici de gegevens op een logische en flexibele manier opslaan. 

Het Ensemble Logical Model is een perfecte combinatie om dit te communiceren tussen de business-oriented wereld en de IT-gerichte / technische wereld (met Data Vault, Anchor modeling en Focal Point als belangrijkste patronen).

In deze (Engelstalige) cursus leer je hoe je organisaties in 6 stappen begeleidt van een Business Case naar het Ensemble Logical Model. 

Na afloop van de training beschik je over een Ensemble Logical Model dat geschikt is voor gebruik in jouw organisatie. Na het succesvol afleggen van het examen ben je een gecertificeerd Business Concept Maven* (CBCM)

*Een Maven (Jiddisch) is een expert die de vaardigheid of het onderwerp begrijpt. Een Certified Business Concept Maven is de persoon waar je naartoe moet als je wilt beginnen met Core Business Concept Mapping.



2 dagen + 3 uur online examen

€ 1.995,00 excl. BTW


Data Modelleren

23, 24 mei 2024 – Rotterdam
19, 20 september 2024 – Vlaardingen
11, 12 november 2024 – Online

Connected Data Academy verzorgt, sinds 2009, als volwaardige partner van Genesee de (gecertificeerde) Data Vault trainingen in Nederland en België.


This course is intended to cover the complete process from discovering and mapping the business concepts. After completion of this course and successfully taken the exam you will be a Certified Business Concept Maven* (CBCM)

Enterprise Logical Model (ELM)
The Ensemble Logical Model is an enterprise-wide business model which, in an agile way, maps the business concepts within a given organization into an agile and adaptable model that is used for communication:

  • For Business representatives – It is a representation of their own business, using their terminology, their business concepts;
  • For Data Analysts /Data Stewards – To understand and recognize the terminology, relations and definitions/descriptions;
  • For Source systems – through mapping; is the needed information (Core Business Concepts, Relations and Attribution) available in the source systems;
  • For Developers – an almost 1 on 1 translation towards the desired Ensemble Modelling pattern.

The 6 ELM artifacts will guide you towards the ELM model as input for integration and data warehouse initiatives. Topics covered include understanding the concept behind the ELM, the modeling requirements and artifacts that drive this approach. We will include a brief introduction into the different Ensemble patterns like Data Vault, Anchor and Focal Point to learn why this approach benefits all.  With the guidance and exercises along all 6 ELM artifacts students will experience how to start from a business case and end up with a fully modeled and documented Ensemble Logical Model. Which in itself is ready to be implemented on any technical platform – which can be a physical data warehouse, a virtual data platform, a data lake or in a data mesh architecture.

This course consists of four (4) components:
1) the two day classroom course (online or on site),
2) the online video lessons,
3) the exam and
4) the course material.

Results after training:
Thorough knowledge of the Ensemble Logical Model and all the ELM artifacts plus how to use this successfully in your organization.

This course is intended for all those people involved in getting insight into the data and information needs of an organization. Either as a professional working towards a physical data warehouse model or as the people discovering and communicating what information is needed and looking for a structured way to gather and document this.

Data Modelers, Information Modelers, Business Analysts, Data & Information Architects, Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse Managers, designers, project leads and project owners, data mart designers, model stormers and functional area representatives.

Prior knowledge:
No particular knowledge is needed. Knowledge of business processes and information needs will benefit



*A maven (yiddish) is an expert who understands the skill or subject at hand. A Certified Business Concept Maven is the person to go to when you want to start with Core Business Concept Mapping.


  • Introduction to the class
  • Introduction Business Mapping & ELM
  • Introduction ELM Artifacts:
  • CBC List; A listing of all named Core Business Concepts, categorized into “Event / Person / Place / Thing / Other”.
  • CBC Canvas; A canvas artifact to guide and visualize the process of discussing synonyms, hierarchies, levels, etc. Plus discussing missing Core Business Concepts.
  • CBC Form; A Form for CBC disambiguation providing a brief description/definition, including certain attribution, related events, subject areas, synonyms, etc.
  • Event & NBR Canvas: Artifact which helps with the design and refinement of the relationships. Also this is an important document for data delivery teams.
  • NBR Matrix; A listing of all named Natural Business Relations, this will hold all relations as identified from out the events plus all other unique, specific NBR’s recognized in the ELM process.
  • NBR Form; A Form used to describe the relationship plus investigate the right grain, precision and cardinality of the relation.
  • From Business Case to Ensemble Logical Model in 6 guided steps
  • Model storming
  • Adding a next Business case to the existing Ensemble Logical Model and the ELM Artifacts
  • CBC  Form deep dive
  • The relation between NBR Matrix and NBR Form – more complex relations and relations discovery
  • From Ensemble Logical Model to Data Delivery – deep dive in Event & NBR Canvas


Our training courses are concuted by experienced teachers who have earned their spurs in advisory practice.


  • Hans P. Hultgren
  • Remco Broekmans



Genesee Academy provides world class DWBI training from the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) to Business Intelligence with the latest on multi-structured data, enterprise integration, big data, information visualization, DW2.0 with Bill Inmon, hyper-agility and Agile Data Warehousing.

Connected Data Academy is an Authorised Training Partner of Genesee Academy (GA).

Certified Business Concept Maven (CBCM)





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Connected Data Academy | www.connecteddataacademy.com


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